
Mastery of The Mind - How To Command Your Own Mind?

Mastery of the mind is something I've always been interested in. As a child I remember sitting and watching Shaolin monks on TV, thinking how on earth is it possible for those guys to do the crazy things they do with their bodies?
It was fascinating to me, and I remember that was about the time when I decided that it is possible to master your mind.I didn't know how to do it at that time, but I knew there was a way, so I decided to discover it. Let me share with you what I've managed to find over time.
1. Ditch the ego.
Your ego will destroy your ability to learn. Let me explain what I mean with a question.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who spent his whole life studying something and considers themselves very knowledgeable in the field?
I have, and I can tell you, that most of the time they think they know everything there's to know, and that there's nothing more for them to learn unless you impress them and they want to learn from you.
If you really want to master your mind, you have to forget your ego and learn from everyone and everything around you.
2. Ditch your need to be right.
As people we're hard wired to want to be right all the time. If we're not, we feel threatened, so we will spend hours arguing with people only to hear them say the magic words... 
... yes, you're right.
That kind of attitude doesn't help you attain mastery of the mind. It actually does the opposite.
It causes contention, lack of peace, love and focus in your life.
The moment you stop worrying about being right, you'll immediately start living on a more elevated level. When that happens, you'll see that it's not only possible, it's easy.
3. Ditch your need for validation.
Do you know why people fail?
It's not because they have stupid ideas that can't be a success (although that does happen, but relatively infrequently.)
It's because they start working on something that's hard for other people to accept, and when those people tell them they will fail, they start believing it and give up.
Why does other people's opinion matter so much to them?
It's because they need validation in their life. They need someone to tell them they are doing a good job.
It's relatively common, but it makes what you think, say, and do dependent on what others think which is never a good thing.
When your need for validation is gone, you can just focus on what's important to you without thinking twice about anything (or anyone) else.
The conclusion.
Mastery of the mind is a life long process, and the three things I've just shared with you will give you a great head start.
The great thing about mastering your mind is that it gives you more control in your life, which means more success, love, great opportunities and...
... whatever you desire!
Copyright 2012. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.
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